Published May 21, 2008
793 Posts
Hey guys. This will be my first travel experience. I have an offer for Stanford in Paulo Alto, California. It's on the lower end of pay (31/hr), but I do know some people who have extended their contracts there. I'm still waiting to interview with Huntington Memorial in Pasadena, Cali. I don't know, I'm nervous about accepting! I guess I can do anything for 13 weeks. It's in a neuro/trauma ICU, and it sounds like a good experience. I've worked in the neuro icu at Vanderbilt (Nashville, TN) for about 3 years I'm ready to move on.
Anyone had experience with Stanford?
77 Posts
I worked in the Neuro/Trauma ICU at Stanford for 1 contract (Sept-Dec 2007). I was psyched about working there , but unfortunately, my experience was less impressive than I expected. The unit DOES get some interesting cases, but as a traveler-you don't care for those patients, nor can you even see what is going on because-you are in your room for 12 hours!! Not necessarily because you are so busy, but that is how it's done there-the break nurse (you do always get your breaks) comes to relieve you and then you go back to your room. Not a lot of opportunity to meet/chat with other RNs, plus the fact that the pay stinks in comparison with other hospitals in the area.
Orientation was good and the first few weeks, everyone is super nice, then it kind of dwindles down (and I cannot attribute that to my personality, as with the 4 years I have traveled I have never had issues with getting along/being friendly with my co-workers). There are tons of travelers and some of them do stay on; it also sounds as if you are regular staff, the benefits are good.
This is just my experience, so take it as you may.
Best of luck to you, wherever you go..........