Published May 13, 2011
39 Posts
Hey everyone,
I am currently almost done with my first semester of an ADN program, and have started applying for CNA/PCA positions at the local hospitals around Boston. I have been applying for about a month now and haven't received any phone calls or emails. I must've applied to over 40 positions. I haven't worked in over 3 years, since I began taking courses in college. So it feels awkward to be applying for jobs in this economic down-turn. You definitely hear about it everywhere, about how tough it is to find jobs, but it's almost like being in a bubble when you're attending school. You're so focused on your classes, that if you're not working, it doesn't really affect you - Until you begin applying. I know now-a-days a month is nothing, but I just feel frustrated because I haven't even received one email or call, nada, zilch, zero.
I just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing the same thing? Is it because I'm not certified as an NA? Most positions are saying that they'll hire nursing students who've completed one clinical rotation. Is it because I don't have any CNA experience prior to completing my first clinical rotation? Or are there just many people applying for the same positions???
I keep hearing that if you're in nursing school, the best thing to do is work as a cna/pca before graduating to get some experience. But no luck so far.
Any type of feedback would be much appreciated??
Thanks :)
146 Posts
keep trying. It took me a year of applying with 3 clinicals completed before I landed my first CNA job.
184 Posts
Are you dead-set on working in a hospital? Have you consivered Developmental Disabilities group homes? Home health Care? Long term Care?