Published May 15, 2014
112 Posts
Thought I'd start a thread for those of us who've applied to Santa Rosa JC for Fall 2014 / Spring 2015. Does anyone know when we should expect to hear back about the lottery? It's my first year applying.
20 Posts
I got accepted last year and found out in the beginning of June. I know the waiting is awful!! You should hear soon...good luck!
CaliGirl4526 how do you like the program? They also have a SSU RN-BSN bridge like COM that you can start during the summer before your second year starts correct?
1 Post
Waiting waiting waiting... I knew that this would take a while. I've had friends both, rejected and accepted and either way is difficult because you have to hop-to quickly. Make sure that your job and income are secure but back up plans are needed! Good luck to all!
98 Posts
I got an e-mail yesterday evening saying I got rejected/am an alternate. It makes me sad, because I did all my prereqs there and have grown attached to the school. It was my #2 choice nursing program. Thankfully I've already been accepted to SSU's nursing program! I applied to 4 programs, got accepted to 3. So I have no room to complain. Good luck to everyone else!
Meib92 did they email you to your SRJC account or personnel email? Thankfully you got into SSU!
It was through my personal e-mail
Hmmm I didn't receive anything yet but that's OK because I'll be accepting my spot at COM.
Did you check your spam folder? If you didn't hear anything, that must be good news
Ah it was in my spam... I'm in the same boat as you on the alternate list.
Thank goodness you got into your #1! I know two others who applied to SRJC and they both got the same exact e-mail I did, saying that they're "high up" on the alternate list. Which leads me to wonder if they've only notified the rejects/"alternate" list. We have yet to hear from anyone who got accepted, which is uncommon. Maybe they do this to get students to accept seats at other schools before sending out acceptances, so they end up with less students who accept at SRJC, less alternates, and in turn, less re-applicants for the subsequent years. Why else would they wait until June 30th to notify?
I wish they would send out an alternate list, or give students an alternate number, so they at least have an idea of whether they should plan on attending SRJC or not. They sure like to string people on until the very end...
We r both very lucky. I keep pinching myself! I replied and asked what number is. See if they respond.