Published Nov 9, 2005
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
Who was your youngest/oldest cabg pt?
Had a 39 year old who had a x6 (uncontrolled DM, ESRD-was actually being worked up for kidney transplant, had stress test as part of workup-it was positive).
I think way back when i started there was a 30 some year old on his 3rd CABG.
as for oldest, we often have pt's in their 80s. DOn't think i've seen a 90+ year old..yet!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I have had patients on the OR table for a CABG as young as mid 20s and as old as mid 80s.
The 20 something was for genetic issues.
zambezi, BSN, RN
935 Posts
The youngest for a cabg that I recall is 32 (and he had to be stented about 2 months after his cabg). We have had others that are younger (early 20s) but I think that they were congenital repairs...
The oldest is 91.
75 Posts
Last month we did a case--26yo CAB with OB/GYN and CT surgery in same OR ... Baby was delivered first then Ct surgery did their thing. Mom & baby did fine :)
I remember a case 2 yrs ago of a 92yo woman who had a valve replacement...she appeared alot younger..recovery took longer..
I've seen many cases lately who were in their mid 80s.
I have no problem with those older folks who have a great quality of life. I get upset with those who have a poor quality of lives and the surgeons operate anyway..I think every CT Surgery group has that one particular surgeon who will operate on those "train wrecks" I right?
I think every CT Surgery group has that one particular surgeon who will operate on those "train recks" I right?
LOL, yeah. We do.