Published Oct 10, 2007
45 Posts
I am currently in nursing school... clinicals... working towards my RN.
I really love the idea of pediatric nursing... that is the route I would like to take. Will I need extra schooling after I pass my boards and become an RN? Or can an RN degree get me a job in pediatrics?
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
As long as your educational institution provided a section with pediatric content you shouldn't need any extra education. The content has to include growth and development so you can identify 'normal'. It also allows you to know that a child who is 10 months old will be pulling up to stand, so don't put them on a bed, even with the siderails up, and then turn your back. It's really the cornerstone on which we base everything else. How do you convince a three year old to let you take her BP? How do you get a thirteen year old boy to brush his teeth, or to let you do it? What kinds of risktaking behavior is common at different ages? And so on. The pathophys can be learned as you go. Have fun!