Southern Crescent ASN Spring 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone applying to Southern Crescent ASN program starting Spring 2019?

What's your GPA & TEAS score?!

I'm super nervous! :nailbiting:

I received an acceptance email notification around 9 o'clock last night. Good luck to everyone!

Congratulations!!! I haven't received anything so I'm assuming I didn't make the cut.

When did you turn in your application?

I applied sometime in June. I didn't get an e-mail either. I left the lady a voicemail and she never responded. I feel like if we didn't get in than we should be notified rather than not notified at all. I feel so bummed.

I agree! What was your TEAS score and GPA if you don't mind me asking? Don't be bummed girl, its not the end of the rope for you! There is always next year! Never give up on your dreams!!

I wonder if anyone else in this forum got an acceptance email...

GPA for Science - 3.34 and 75 on TEAS

I didn't take my pre-reqs there so I don't know if that makes a difference. Like they take their people first before looking at outside applicants? I'm not sure.

Southern Crescent closes at Noon on friday so there is nobody to talk too. Everybody has probably been notified who has gotten in.

I don't think that's the case. As long as you have completed the required courses I think you have the same

chance as anyone else. Hold your head up high! Be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished! I'm proud of you! We will get it next time.:)

I'm sure everyone has been notified as well. I wish others on here would let us know just to be 100% sure! :)

I recieved an acceptance email last night also around 9pm. Maybe they are still sending emails out late tonight too. Good luck!!

That's 2 of you that got emails at 9 pm. I'm thinking they are done with acceptance emails. If you don't mind me asking, what was your TEAS and GPA? Trying to see what the average is.

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