Hi all

U.S.A. South Carolina



Sorry I haven't been around-was in the hospital and you know how that goes----you have to recover from being there!

I know Charleston fascinates out of staters, and I love it myself. But there are several other cities in our state that have really good work and living places. Greenville just got a magnet status. It and Spartanburg, Anderson are just a hop skip and a jump from the mountains.

Think about Aiken too. Aiken is thoroughbred country and a lot of national champions are raised, trained and winter there. It has a nice hospital directly across the road from USC-Aiken (very nice 4 year regional campus).

Don't discount Columbia. It is experiencing a rebirth in its social/dining/recreation realm. It's also the home of USC-my alma mater, Columbia College (hub's school) -all girls now so he stands out at a reunion. There's Allen University, Benedict College, and South University. Lots of hospitals-my former employers have 2 there.

Anywhere in SC is 2-4 hours from just about any leisure place in the state. 3h from Atlanta.....not my favorite....but you can get there with little trouble on some pretty good roads.

COnsider the Palmetto state if for no other reason than it just doesn't waste the winter having SNOW!

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