Sonoma State BSN 2013



I am thinking of applying to the BSN program at Sonoma State for Fall 2013. Is anyone else out there applying?

I applied last year and was not accepted. I'm a little puzzled as to why, except I know it's very competitive. At that point, I still had 2 pre-reqs pending. I'm wondering if that was the problem.

I'd love to share notes with anyone else planning to apply. One big question I have is that on the FAQs, they say, "We consider SSU students, and transfer students from Sonoma and surrounding counties (Marin, Solano, Napa, Mendocino and Lake counties) first." Since I currently live in Santa Cruz County, this troubles me. Does this mean that they fill the cohort with area students before considering anyone from further away? (That's great for those of you in the area, of course.)

I did go to an information session last year but I don't recall this being discussed.

Thanks much!

Specializes in LTC.

Yes I'm applying from a "partner" county. My school has an extension campus for SSU. I will be applying fall 2013. I'm from Mendocino County and go to Mendocino College. SSU holds transfer seminars on my campus all the time. It's still not a guarantee for me either! I've been told 3.75 overall GPA, 3.85 for the sciences. And of course good TEAS! Basically yup I've got a small advantage but its nut much in the grand scheme!

Specializes in LTC.

And no I forgot if I don't make the cutoff for cohort I don't get in regardless of where I live. I have to have the grades I simply get 5 extra points in the application score for being a local student.

Specializes in LTC.

:) :) hope to see you there!

Thanks for your response, Alisonisayoshi. I really do think it's a great idea to support local area students, and I'm glad SSU has these programs. I just wish I (still) lived closer. I actually grew up in Sonoma County and my dad even taught at SSU(!). Oh well.

I think you're right, though, that they give extra points to area students but will still consider others. It looks like the newest application for 2013 gives 10 points (it used to be 5, as you said). I guess I'll give it a shot and hope I can join you. I do have pretty strong grades (around 3.8 pre-req ... darn Chem... and around 3.6 cumulative) and a good TEAS score so fingers crossed.

Do you, or does anyone else, have suggestions for the essays? Since I didn't get in last year, I'm wondering if I said something "wrong" in my essays.:yawn:

Hope to see you there too!:)

Specializes in LTC.

I have a transfer seminar mid February and I will ask. And wow it's 10 now! The transfer counselor at my school just told me compelling essay and GPA GPA GPA, never any real specifics about getting in. the head nurse at the ALF I work for graduated from SSU so I will ask her too. Have you back up applied to Dominican? It's close by and I've heard (just local chatter) that its easier to get in.

Thanks for the suggestion of Dominican. I may look into it. I have applied at SFSU and CSU East Bay also. Fingers crossed. Best of luck to you!

They are beginning to notify! I just received a rejection email. Good thing I already got accepted somewhere else! Phew!

Yes, I just got rejected as well. I'm still waiting to hear about other places. Ugh.

My score was reduced a lot by their increased points for local students this year. (At least I tell myself that's the reason...)

Congrats on your acceptance elsewhere, donut151.

Good luck to others!

Yes, I just got rejected as well. I'm still waiting to hear about other places. Ugh.

My score was reduced a lot by their increased points for local students this year. (At least I tell myself that's the reason...)

Congrats on your acceptance elsewhere, donut151.

Good luck to others!

I think it's a fair assumption. I say you go with it! Good luck to all!

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