Sometimes our patients try to help us out....

Nurses Humor


Specializes in drug seekers and the incurably insane..

A couple of years ago, a few residents as well as myself, and two CNA's were standing by the med cart enjoying a conversation about some of the advertisements that came with the Sunday paper. One of the residents was pointing to a strapless and sexy little dress being advertised, and asked me if I liked that dress. I told her that it was a cute dress but I would never wear it because my boobs are too small. The lady laughed at what I said and then asked me if I would come by her room later on after she got back from dinner. I told her I would try to and she went on her way. Later on....when I got back from my dinner break and the CNAs were starting to help people into bed, I went to the lady's room. She went over to her dresser in the room and pulled out a little box, and handed it to me. As I opened the box I noticed there were these two transparent things with the appearance of water balloons. I lifted one out of the box and she said that they were silicone bra inserts to make one's boobs look bigger, and said she bought them off of a TV show a while ago. She went on to tell me that since I wasn't "very busty", she would sell the inserts to me for $20.00, and then I could wear a sexy, strapless dress without any problems!!! For once in my life I was absolutely speechless!!! So, I made up an explanation as to why I wasn't going to buy those silicone falsies from her. I told her that I had implants some years back but had to have them removed due to an allergy to silicone!! I told her I couldn't have silicone anywhere near my body, whether outside or inside. I made a point of washing my hands really well before I left her room. Yikes!!!! An elderly lady tried to sell me her fake breasts!!! The part I found really hilarious about all of this was the fact that a week later, I was pulled into the Social Worker's office. The Social Worker could barely keep her composure because she said that the lady had come to her with hurt feelings because she had made "that nurse a right, good offer" and the nurse didn't accept it!!! We laughed about it together, and agreed that times are tough for everyone right now, and we all have a right to try to make a buck!

Specializes in I dream of day. ;-).

Nice recovery on that one! I don't think I would have been quick enough to think up a story like that. :D

Yeah that was SO quick! Haha that's hilarious, and pretty thoughtful of her! :smokin:

That's so sweet. She tried to give you the gift of boobies.:p

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