Published Nov 10, 2009
169 Posts
Tonight I was doing some volunteer work in the NICU and was able to go with the mom and dad of a little "angel" baby into the nursury to take photos while the baby was getting cleaned up. The parents were very young and two of their friends, also very young, came with us, although I didn't think they should have been allowed. Anyway I was just standing there taking the occasional photo of the baby being cleaned by the nurse and I hear "excuse me, did you just take a photo of another baby?" At first I thought the nurse was talking to me but I looked over to see her talking to one of the friends of the parents. My mouth just dropped.... no, she didn't actually do that. The friend decided to play stupid with the nurse and say, "oh, I don't think I did"..... OH MY GOSH! I mean, at least say Yes, I did.... obvoiously the girl knew they shouldn't have been taking photos of other little babies. The nurse, firmly said "Yes, we saw you. I am going to have to watch you delete that photo now". The girl deleted the photo and a few minutes later the friends were asked to leave. I have to give props to the nurses for keeping their cool and actually being nice but firm. I would have probably given that girl a little peice of my mind. SOME PEOPLE..... :angryfire
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
I would have referred that to the charge nurse.. and what if it weren't a digital camera? No way to delete!
Remove the film. Too bad they lose all other pics but it is better than a lawsuit!
karnicurnc, MSN, APRN, CNS
173 Posts
Wow! People are crazy! At least once a week I catch someone "window shopping" and when I call them on it, explaining that it is a violation of privacy and HIPPA, they become very offended! As if they have a right to look at someone else's baby just because they aren't in private rooms like adults. I do not apologize for protecting those who can't fend for themselves! The worst cases involve babies with deformities or such, like a gastroschesis silo. Some even ask, "what's wrong with that baby?" Some people will never learn.