Some days I feel like a Grimm reaper, most days I feel like a bad-*** super nurse!

Specialties Critical


So lately I've been feeling a little blah/ bored/ depressed because all my patients were either terminal extubations or unsuccessful codes. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy helping patients and their families cope with end of life issues and I am honored to be in a position that helps people at their most vulnerable moments but sometimes it sucks when you have to go to the morgue every single shift! It's hard to come home after a shift and your husband asks how was your day and you try not to sound too casual talking about people dying. I know some of you fellow nurses can relate, right?

On the brighter side, we finally had some good "action" this weekend. A successful Rosc s/p vfib+ 3 rounds of CPR with neuro intact! Some adenosine magic on 2 rapid response svt patients. A train wreck septic pt weaned off pressors/ extubated. A stroke pt s/p tpa with only very mild residual weakness, she came in aphasic and nih 17. I love when my patients have good outcomes and I feel like I actually helped to fix them for a change. I work in a smaller hospital so it's pretty rare to see all of this in one day, was quite the exhilarating/ hectic day, I'm still reeling, lol.

Specializes in ICU.

That's why I'm always trying to start new business ventures of my own (too bad I stink). I'm always jealous of people who have jobs where a good day ends with a WIN! :yeah: or a high point of some sort, rather than "Well, nobody died today. Guess that's a 'win'. " :bored: A sign of burnout I guess?

Specializes in Emergency Department; Neonatal ICU.

Those days are great :) Strong work OP.

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