Published Mar 9, 2012
1 Post
Hi, I'm starting ADN at Delaware CC in the fall, and the book list is huge! Do I need to buy every book on the list? Even a medical dictionary? What about online defs?
1,341 Posts
Absolutely do not buy your books in advance. By them as you need them.
Also, in many cases, older editions of the book will work just fine and dandy.
As an example, I am in my last semester of school. 16 months ago I bould all my books which included edition 8 of a certain book.
The class I am in this semester is teaching out of edition 7 of that same book.
Book are a scam. The schools get kickbacks from the publishers......makes me angry
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
I think you will find most of the books on the list to be helpful resources to you.
Text books are a must, but don't feel like you have to buy them from the school. Check, abebooks and other sites where you can buy used versions for much less. My OB book cost about 90 dollars new. I bought it used online for 3 dollars. You can also resell your text books through amazon when you're done with the class to get some money back. The study guides that accompany the texts should be purchased too. Many instructors pull test questions from the study guides. As long as you use light pencil, you can erase and resell these as well.
A medical dictionary really isn't necessary if you have a smart phone or laptop with internet access.
A nursing care plan book isn't completely necessary, but will make your life so much easier and is well worth it. But an older edition will serve you just as well, and cost less.
A laboratory value book and a good drug guide are absolute musts. While an older edition of a lab value book will be fine, you definitely want a new and reputable (such as Davis) drug guide. Medications change so often you need the updated information.
56 Posts
I bought most of my books on ebay and/or Amazon. In several cases, I bought them for less than half the price of the bookstore. Also, as mindlor mentioned, an earlier version is perfectly acceptable in many cases. For instance, I bought my med-surg and fundamentals books on ebay for $10-20 each while I was still doing pre-reqs! The only difference is, the page numbers for the assigned readings are a little off...I think I can look in the index to find the correct page #'s!
Some books that I bought the 1st semester I've barely used, others have been used extensively. I would say at least buy the Med-surg and Fundamentals, plus a new drug guide (I have Davis, too...), then buy others as you need them. I was "required" to buy the "Manual of IV Therapeutics" 2nd semester, and we NEVER EVEN USED IT. I am glad I have it, though, as I will be needing it next semester when we do IV's, blood products, etc. The medical dictionary I very rarely use (I just look stuff up online)
Good luck to you!