Published Sep 29, 2005
129 Posts
For as long as this is a comfortable position for a growing mom, is there any contraindication for this during pregnancy? What's the rationale?
Just wondering because some patients have told me their doctors told them not to sleep on their stomachs...
262 Posts
For as long as this is a comfortable position for a growing mom, is there any contraindication for this during pregnancy? What's the rationale? Just wondering because some patients have told me their doctors told them not to sleep on their stomachs...Thanks!
I'm a diehard stomach sleeper, but physically could not do it unless I put pillows under my chest and pelvis. Did this with both my pregnancies and no problems here...
Thanks for your response!
Anyone else have experience with this (either personal or with your patients)? The reason I ask is my instinct is to tell pts that if it's comfortable, it's ok. But I don't want to misinform people...
862 Posts
I am student, not a nurse yet, but I am 33 weeks pregnant and I sleep on my stomach. It is starting to require some creative maneuvers and use of pillows but I sleep so much better that way. I did the same when I was pregnant with my DD and she appears to be as normal as we could expect our child to be :)
My midwife told me to sleep however I am comfortable- if it is bad I will know because I will be uncomfortable or legs will go numb or something.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Hi, Jayla,:balloons:
This may not be the most professional thing to say, but whatever floats your boat. :rotfl: Seriously, there are no contraindications. Position of comfort. Flat of your back, especially in the 3rd trimester, no. Left lateral is advised.