Slacking off as an undergrad about to come back and bite me in the rear!


So, I think I've decided to do an Accelerated BSN program (I have a B.A. and an M.A., so I think this is the best way to go!). I was looking through the Ged Ed requirements to get into the program, and at first I thought I just needed a couple of courses to supplement my prior education. Then I actually took a look at my undergrad transcript (where most of my Ged Ed's come from). Oy. Too much rugby practice and not enough homework, I guess :-).

I'm hoping that, because the requirements are generally things like Algebra and Trigonometry (which I took and got an A in high school) will count, whereas my upper level calculus couses that I actually took in college (but got a C in - requirement is to get a B or better), so I'm hoping I can still get out of re-taking the classes, because I certainly do have the information.

I need to talk closer to the school, because although I haven't taken the exact course they are looking for, I have certainly taken either a higher level course, or something similar. Does anyone have any experience with these kinds of things?



Specializes in Surgical/Telemetry.

In my experience, my program accepted my similar and higher level courses, but as far as I know, there was no consideration given to the difficulty level of the courses as compared to other applicants, only GPA.

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