Published Nov 24, 2016
2 Posts
Hi everyone,
I recently got accepted into both the SJSU and CCSF nursing programs, and I was wondering if I can get some opinions on which one I should attend.
I know that the SJSU program is a BSN, while the CCSF one is an ASN. I do plan on getting my BSN in the future through a RN-BSN program or a RN-MSN program (most likely at SFSU) if I do choose to attend CCSF.
Since I'm from San Francisco, attending CCSF would be much more convenient and a lot less expensive for me. I also know my way around the city and it would be easy for me to travel to clinicals or get volunteer experience.
At SJSU, I would have more trouble getting around, since I don't drive and I'm not familiar with the city. It would also be a lot more expensive for me. However, I feel that it would be a loss if I reject my SJSU BSN offer for CCSF ASN.
Is the SJSU nursing program better than the CCSF program? Or are they the same? I'm hoping to get some advice and information on both programs to help me make my decision.
Thank you!!!
MyAimIsTrue, BSN
201 Posts
Since you don't drive I think SJSU is out of the running. Your clinicals will be all over the place, places where public transit doesn't go. That might even be true for CCSF. I'm in a Bay Area nursing program and I will have to drive to every single one of my clinical sites.
7 Posts
Can I ask what you ended up doing? I also was accepted to SJSU and CCSF and am undecided what to do! I too live in San Francisco...
I ended up choosing CCSF :) Have you made your decision yet?
I think I'm going to go with sjsu because it's a BSN..