Published Dec 23, 2005
33 Posts
I just have a simple que.
What is Home Health Nursing ?
What do u do ?
N thanxx
Katnip, RN
2,904 Posts
Home Health Nursing is when you go to a patient's home to give them treatment. It can involve a wide variety of things including wound dressing, trach care, Foley management, and medication management.
I don't do Home Health, but have thought about it. To do it you need to be very competent with assessment because you're pretty much on your own out there and your assessment alone has a huge bearing on how you're going to treat the patient.
898 Posts
There are different types of home health nursing you can go into. I do know you can travel between different homes each day, but with my job I am at only one home a day. (I Also do Peds home health so this may be specific only to Peds)
Typical Things I do in a Day:
do my assessment, give meds, suction, trach care, G-Button care, change trachs, bathe my patient, skin/nail care, feedings, more suction, play time, etc.
I like home health, but it depends on my patient how my day will go. I have kids who range from former 26 week preemies and are developmentally delayed but who have trachs and G-Buttons, but I also have a child who has an incurable disease and my job changes to only pallative care at this point.
Its a complete different atmosphere then a hospital, expecially with having only one patient a day. There are also techniques done differently- for instance, to cath a patient is a clean cath, not sterile. Catheters are cleaned and reused the next time. *This* took me a while to get used to.
Feel free to ask any more questions- I'll be glad to answer if I can.
cyberkat & MeghanRN,
Thank- you ..
I also wanted 2 know, How long do u stay with this patient in their houses ?
Over here where i come from, it's not totally accepted culturly so we don't have any home health nurses .. but it sounds really interesting !!
If there is any website you know that talks about this specialized profession ican read about or can explore more about the rules or regulations !?
Thanx again ,,,
4 Posts
I am a home health nurse who does intermittent visits in the home. The visit time can range anywhere from thirty minutes to 2 hours depending on what you're doing. Admitting patients to homecare is usually a long session as you are gathering information from the patient, assessing meds/patient systems,and signing consents. Afterwards you complete the lengthy paperwork.Along with providing skilled care-homecare focuses on patient teaching in order to aid the patient/caregiver with the information needed to manage their condition and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations. :Santa3:
I have days where I work 8, 10, or 12 hour shifts with certain patients. I choose my days and shifts that I work, another reason why home health is good :)
I would have to guess if you do a google search you might be able to come up with information related to home health nursing.
Good Luck :)
c@@l c@@l !
i'll try google 2 search .. but i regularly use
anwayz thanx 4 ur time guyz !
take care,