Published Dec 30, 2009
1 Post
hi people. i'm a nursing student.i have this assignment in ncm 100. and i failed to see a nurse for an interview. if anyone please could help me on this. would you mind to answer these questions? thanks a lot. :)
here are the questions:
1. why did you choose nursing
2. what field of nursing are you in right now?
3. why did you choose this specific field of nursing?
4. what courses/subject did you like in your nursing education?
5. what do you think are the crucial qualities of a nurse to be able to work in your specific field of nursing and why?
6. what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a nurse in your specific field of nursing?
7. Can you describe your typical day at work.
8. what are your plans for the future as a nurse?
9. what advise/s can you give to a nursing students for them to have a fruitful future career and profession in nursing?
10. In one word, describe what is nursing to you?
thank you so much for your time and answers. :)
lenjoy03, RN
617 Posts
I can still remember the time when I was also asked to make that kind of report... hahaha.. anyway.. hope my answers will be helpful on your report.
>>> At first I was made to take up nursing but after quite sometime, I learned to love it.
>>> MS
>>> I didn't choose this. I had a unit transfer from ID to MS and realized that MS is really for me. LOVE IT!
>>>hmm.. I prefer psychology and socio-antropology.
>>> In everything you do, you should LOVE what your doing. It includes passion and patience..
>>> there are alot of advantage: In one unit, you specialized on a specific part of nursing. You really have an advantage if your an ICU nurse since you are rotated to different unit such as tele, kidney unit,
On the other hand, in some other unit such as OR, when they are transfered on the floor, they require alot of adjustment. Of course same with the floor nurse if transfered to other unit.
The thing is, nurses are flexible. wherever you go, whatever unit we are transfered, nurses are always on the go!
>>> my topical day at work is when you can't eat, drink or even sit down when we have a full census. Alot of calls from demanding patients, work with alot of equipments and dealing problems with colleagues and using your common sense in all you do.
>>> I want to work abroad.. Like Canada.. My dream land!
>>> simple, "LOVE WHAT YOU DO!" It's not just a simple work, it's a profession!
>>> passion