Published Feb 5, 2006
OR male nurse
112 Posts
Just when you think you've seen it all in the OR. Any other circulators out there have that "special" surgeon that seems to act like Jerry Lewis the disorderly orderly in the operating room? We have one where I work that is constantly goofing up during procedures, and then blames everyone else for his lack of common sense. Here's my latest encounter with this surgeon.
From talking with the other RN's in my department, this instance is just one of many similar stories with this MD.
We are doing a lap choly and I have the bovie set to 0 cut with 35 coag. The surgeon is using the foot pedal. About 5 minutes into the operation, he starts cussing that the "G** Da** bovie isn't working" so I check and see that the grounding pad is ok, check the connections, and then dared to ask "did this same machine work on the last operation?" He swears back that "it was just working on this G** Da** operation" and "now it's not working" So, I ask if the bovie cord is plugged in tightly to the end of the lap cautery and he becomes unglued. I then go to another empty OR and grab that bovie, wheel it into the OR I was working in, plug that all in... and same thing.."not working." The surgeon then starts screaming again that he wants "the lead nurse and the OR co-ordinator in the room right now" I suggest that maybe I'll get another bovie cord and leave the room to get everyone. We all come back into the room, and he sheepishly states that "it's ok now.. I was stepping on the wrong side of the foot pedal" He doesn't say he's sorry or offer any apology to the members of the OR team for cussing and hollering, just continues about his operation. It kind of bites to work with this particular surgeon, because from the minute he walks into the room, there is total silence for the whole operation other than the "time out" and when he is asking for something. Other than that, everyone is totally mute wondering what will happen "this time." Anyone else out there have that "one special surgeon" that makes their day as special as mine when I have to work with my special surgeon?
762 Posts
I have worked in many ORs as a traveler. Every single one had at least one idiot surgeon like you described. Over time I have developed a thick skin and have learned to deal with them like you would with a spoiled 2 year old. I also write them up when inappropriate behavior becomes "over the top". We have one "screamer" where I work now but he bites his tongue when I circulate because I write him up every time.