Hole in MARs

Nurses General Nursing



We have an ongoing problem with holes in our paper MARs. Anyone have any solution(s) they've used to help with this issue. We've tried making the nurses check each other MARs at the end of the shift, but it hasn't worked well. I know this issue will go away once we get electronic MARs, but that may not be for another year. Thanks!

The challenge of today's nursing is putting the responsibility where it belongs.

In this case on the person not completing the chart check correctly and the second of the supervisor not being a supervisor.

In many service areas, time also plays a significant role in completing the tasks.

Accuracy takes skill that develops with repetition, instruction to correct omissions, re-evaluation, and then corrective action again as needed.

If a reasonable time has past, then the supervisor has be decide if the person is making an honest effort to improve and patience is in order; needs to have enough time to complete the task due to staffing/shift issues; or whether this is someone who can't safely preform their role.

What I have observed in today's healthcare environments, we are more likely to discharge a nurse without given them time to improve or to allow nurses with poor skills to linger too long without intervention of a supervisor. A happy medium would be nice!

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