Explaining Low GPA

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble not getting into Nursing Schools due to my undergraduate GPA being a horrible 2.23. Back then I was very depressed and suffered from anxiety because of personal reasons and at the time I was in denial. My therapist says if I had seemed help I would've had the opportunity for more time on exams and would've been prescribed proper medications. I will say my prerequisite course GPA is a 3.0. But since I've graduated from my university I've retaken some of my prerequisites at a local community college and my GPA there is a 3.61. Also I took the HESI exam and received a score of 88 (I applied to Chamberlain University and got accepted due to the price and them wanting me to retake every prerequisite course).

Whenever I apply to schools I'm hopeful about getting into schools thinking my post bacc grades will show that I've matured and am taking better care of myself. And each time I apply I get a big fat rejection letter.

How should I explain my undergraduate mistakes without sounding "woe is me"?

That gives me hope as my pre req GPA is like 2.8 and higher than my cumulative. I have to check to see what it is for my bs in psych because I took coursework after that and did not do to well and it lowered my cumulative but that was 7 years ago.

Where are you applying?? There are some ABSN programs that only look at your pre-req gpa and they don't care about your undergrad gpa at all. Second there are some schools that prefer a 3.0 but do not require it ?? Which schools are you applying to ?

I'm applying to SCC and UCF (got my undergad there) in the spring. Hoping SCC since it's more affordable and I am maxed out on federal loans

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