Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi my name is Billy, and I am partially freaking out over acceptance into this program, but I feel my chances are good. Originally, I was trying to enter the night program this semester, but financial aid did not come through. Therefore, I am currently taking anatomy 2 and microbio at Bergen to knock them out of the way; meanwhile, I impatiently twiddle my thumbs waiting for an acceptance letter...

Nursing is serious! You will be dealing with peoples lives! I am crazy about nursing, and know I want to become a CRNA.

I made this post for those who are trying to get into this program for fall, so we can form a community for answering questions, steps that need to be completed, TEAS help, forming study groups, and making friends along the way. I know a bit about the program and would be happy to answer any questions. I want to wish good luck to everyone!

I got in!! I just received word 2 days ago!!

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