Published Jul 5, 2012
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
I have just finished my first 2 weeks as a new grad ADN-RN at a LTC/Rehab facility. I have never felt so welcomed, felt so, for lack of a better word, protected. Not one person has been anything other than helpful, patient, just wonderful. I heard horror stories of older nurses "eating their young." Not here. They know their stuff!! I have noticed 2 groups, those that have been doing it for years and those that have been doing it a while, but are working on RN. Same with CNAs there. I am sure that it is not perfect and I will some ugly, but I am so relieved that they are looking out for me. I feel comfortable asking anything.
I would tell any of my classmates to consider working where I am. I am lucky to be able to work with such wonderful people.