Published Apr 6, 2013
151 Posts
Hello! Pushing forward...full steam ahead! My prereq does not require an intro anatomy/physio class. I've received mixed messages on this. I have friends tell me to take it, otherwise I will be lost when I step up to the next level. I've heard others say I do not need it and it didn't help much. I have the time, although pushing it to get the intro class out of the way this summer. After this summer, I will complete anatomy (my actual nursing pre-req) in the fall, physio in the spring, chem in the summer, and micro in the fall of next year. If I don't do the intro this summer, I would take some of my general pre-req classes (speech and critical thinking). I don't see having an opportunity to take the intro class at any other time after this summer. Registering this Sunday! What did you do? Thank you!