Should I really be that scared/nervous?!?!?!


Ok, I took completed my CNA class March 2009 and never took my state exam due to my mother becoming illl and eventually passing last October. So I just recently signed up to take my state exam Feb. 15th at HFCC in Dearborn,MI because I knew my year to take it is almost up. And I have serious anxiety!!! :eek: Should I even be freaking out like this? :uhoh3: Has anyone else out here taken their test at HFCC in Dearborn,MI that can share their experience and ease my stress a little? Thank you sooooooooooooo much!!!:yeah:

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg.

It's normal to be nervous before a big test like this, especially after being out of the loop for a while. But the best thing you can do in order to pass the test is just to chill out-- being nervous won't help you remember anything! Most material learned in a CNA course is very pratical and common-sense, so I bet you will retain most if not all of it. Study up where you can, but you will do fine. :D

I'm sorry about your mothers illness and passing. I bet you were able to help her much better with the CNA class under your belt. What a blessing.

I'm in Michigan. I would make sure you get out the pamplet that we received and practice on anyone you can. Schedule that time in with someone who'll let you practice on them. I think it is normal for all of us to be nervous, but you need to build confidence. I believe the way you do that is to learn the skills really well. If you don't have anyone to practice on, then pretend. Say the steps out loud as your are doing them. Good luck! You'll do fine if you prepare yourself.

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