Published May 14, 2008
1,007 Posts
Okay, so I'm thinking several months ahead here...I'm getting married in December and will be moving about an hour away to a fairly small town. They have a hospital that's significantly smaller than what I'm used to, as well as a surgery center and several clinics. I am hoping to get a job at the surgery center (1/4 mile from our new house!) or in the ICU at the hospital. Currently I work on an ICU step-down floor that includes telemetry and some very acute patients. Either of those positions would be a little different from what I'm used to, but I know I could do them. My nurse manager has already told me she will write a letter of recommendation for me. I have a couple of physicians that I know would write a letter for me as well. Is it ok to ask them for these and include them with my resume or application? Since I don't have experience in those areas, I want to be sure that I look good on paper otherwise. What do you think?