Published May 24, 2008
8 Posts
I'm a first year nursing student, half way through a community college RN program, and I also work as a CNA on the weekends in hospitals. I thought this would be a good place to get some advice from competent nurses.
Okay, this is a personal health issue. Usually, my periods every month are fairly regular. I bleed most heavily during the first 24 hours, and taper off until I'm almost done by the third day. I've been having periods like that for years now, and I get them about the same time every month, though once in a while I do skip one here and there for no apparent reason other than stress. This last time though, I started my period as usual, and it never stopped. I've been bleeding steadily (it's like it's the first 24-hr period for me) for almost three weeks (w/out cramps) and it's never slowed and not showing signs of stopping any time soon...should I be concerned? I've never in my life bled this long. I am overweight, and very stressed, but I've been this weight for a long while and this stressed before. I don't have any female problems like PCOS or anything that I'm aware of... I really don't want to go to the Dr., but am getting worried and irritated. What do you think?
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
The fact that you ask should you go to your MD means that you almost certainly know the answer to the question.
It would be inappropriate for anyone here to give you any other advice from that without a full medical history and face to face consultation.
Because we are not permitted to give any medical advice at allnurses under the terms of service I am closing this thread. Please go to your health care provider and seek advice.
Good Luck