Should I get my RN?


Hey everyone, I'm at a loss here and don't know which path to take.

A bit about me: I'm an LPN in cooperate healthcare (sort of case management role, not direct patient care) and I love what I do. I'm not a big fan of the "gross" stuff in nursing but I love helping people and educating patients.

I want to continue my education but it really needs to be online because I am the main support in my family with three kids. I have to work full time to survive.

I'm currently in an online program for BA in business with a minor in communications as I absolutely love to write and it seemed interesting. The classes are in online format with one course per 8 week time period, which has been manageable. Part of me is terrified about the potential debt from school, as well as the instability with a business degree. Nursing has a sense of job security that you can't find elsewhere..But I am out of practice and feel overwhelmed..

My only feasible option for nursing would be Excelsior college's program or possibly ungodly late night school with no time for my family..

I just don't know what direction to take here, can anyone give this poor 24 year old girl a bit of direction? Thank you :cry:

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

You've already discovered the most flexible alternatives for advancing your nursing career. So, it seems like it's just a matter of analyzing the return on investment. Will it be worth the family life disruption and financial investment? Only you can answer that question.

FWIW, I know an executive with a major healthcare Supply Chain company who began her working career as an LVN. She pursued the business route (now has an MBA) and it worked out very well for her. She says that her LVN background opened a lot of doors in her industry.

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