Should I do CNA?


Hello, I'm currently working a marketing job in corporate America and want to make a total career change and become a registered nurse. I have a bachelor or business administration and have found an accelerated second bachelors program that I think is a good fit. The problem is that I don't have the science prerequisites for it so I need to take them at a local community college. I think I can do these at night while doing my current job but it might take a while. I recently started considering becoming a CNA so that I could start getting experience and hopefully find a job that would be more flexible on hours that I could take day classes with and start my second bachelors program sooner. Does anyone have any advice?


Tp decide on the path to take, you have to consider a few things. Are you ready to cut down your pay? Your CNA pay will be a lot lower than what you probably earn now. If you are single and can survive on bare minimum, then working a CNA will not cripple you financially. Also, unless you have no other option but take pre-reqs in a daytime, take them in the evening so this way you can keep your current job. And lastly, having a CNA experience is a plus, but will not be a huge difference for those who will decide if you get into ABSN or not. So, the decision is yours to make.

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