Published Jul 18, 2011
67 Posts
I'll be applying to SFSU's BSN program for fall 2012 and am a little nervous here's why:
As far as my prereqs go I ACED all of my science courses, nutrition, and psychology...the problem is that I received B's in both English courses and speech. The English courses were honors at my community college and I have over 120 volunteer hours and am bilingual...I know stats change on a yearly basis and budget cuts and whatnot, but do those who were accepted think I have a good shot at getting accepted?( My overall GPA is a 3.8)
94 Posts
Hi, I was accepted to SFSU's BSN program for Fall 2011. I think you stand a shot even though you got 2 B's. Have you taken TEAS V yet? Its a requirement and I recommend that you score at least an 80% but preferably in the 90% range. The applicant pool for my year rejected some people who were multi-lingual with a 4.0 GPA and lots of volunteer hours. It really does boil down to what the applicant pool looks like. Just do well on the TEAS and I think you stand a good shot at getting in.
I haven't taken the TEAS yet but I'm planning on taking it in August..ok, thanks for your advice so now my mind is at ease a little lol
Make sure you register early for it because the test slots do fill up fast!
511 Posts
Hey there!
TEAS V is a BIG factor. those accepted scored 80+. I had similar stats as you but my TEAS V was 79.2%. I was placed on the wait list as #18, then moved up to #4 for this year's application cycle, and hanging on still! I think you'll get in with a great TEAS V score. Really do well on the TEAS. That's what they looked into my cycle and angelxeternity's cycle since it was implemented for the first time.
Good luck to you and me, otherwise I'll apply with you again, or maybe not?
All best!
I just bought my TEAS study book so I'm gonna make sure I'm super prepared...SFSU is my dream school, so I want/need a good score
Honestly I would say that you don't need to read each and every word of the study book because a lot of it is information that you should already know. I studied by taking 1 test from each section and graded it. Then I went over the questions I got wrong by reading the corresponding text in the study section. Then, I took the 2nd test to see how much I improved. This worked for me =).
I'm applying to SFSU for Fall 2012 and have a quick question about the pre-reqs used to calculate your GPA, are these the only ones they use:
General Microbiology and Public Health/Laboratory
Human Anatomy (must include a laboratory component if taken elsewhere)4
Principles of Human Physiology/Laboratory
*Survey of Chemistry/Laboratory
Elementary Statistics (quantitative reasoning)
Nutrition in Health and Disease
General Psychology
***also, are English comp, critical thinking, and speech used to calculate pre-req GPA or overall GPA?...I'm just trying to gauge my actual GPA. Any response would be appreciated!!!
yes yes yes for all GPAs. don't worry so much, you'll do fine.
keep it real
@ Solidus_Snake: I'm about to jump out of my seat lol, they only use the science courses plus nutrition/psych to calculate GPA for the NSG program?!
anat, phys, micro, chem, engl, comm, crit think, stats, nutr, and psyc are all prereqs. TEAS V as well. anthro/soc is great if you finished it but not required. all prereqs have their own separate GPA, and they are also used in the general GPA. the SoN uses both GPAs: the prereq and overall college. Remember, GPA plays a good role but there are also other factors such as volunteer/work exp and TEAS as well as language. Many people with 4.0s were rejected because of those factors too. I'd say that a 3.7+ GPA will do.
And as what angelxeternity said, it also depends on the application pool. My pool was pretty fierce this year.
Go to their website and check it out. they have all the info for you.
Ok thank you so much...I volunteer in the med-surg& oncology unit at a hospital...And am fluent in French! I'm taking the TEAS in the month so I've been my GPA is a 3.7 when I calculated it