Senior Seminar Reflective Paper


Okay I have a question.. I am in my 4th semester of nursing school and in senior seminar we have to write reflections on our simulation experiences... Okay, I get that part.. Well, I am struggling with how to put in lab values, vital signs, etc in the paper.. I know in MLA, you generally type out numbers if you have any.. Is it the same with APA? I just know some numerical values such as temp: 102.2, you cannot necessarily write that in a sentence...... Would you suggest I just ask my teacher for her preference or is there an actual guideline for this in APA? Suggestions please?!

Ask your faculty what they prefer.

If you are this far along in your education you must have had occasion to write something similar. I certainly hope so, anyway. Ask.

Well, we had a writing intensive course in the beginning.. All of those papers were on theorists or something similar to that.. Numerical values weren't present in those papers as would be in a simulation involving a patient in sepsis and going into septic shock. I asked. My response didn't make much sense.... I sent a long detailed message about is writing the numerical version of a temp 102.2 acceptable or do I write it out as one hundred and two point two temperature? Her response was I would write both labs and your interpretation of the values, at least? That message makes no sense to me............... I understand the importance of labs for sepsis and what they mean.. I just need to know how to write it and make sure it's done correctly.

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