Semester 1 in Diploma nursing

Published there anyone can help me to score in Anatomy and physiology. Any tips and advice to better studies in A&P.

I hope there are some website that can have notes on A&P and also i can study a bit more about it.

Anyone can share with me the notes on A&P..pls help me..TQ :o

Specializes in Telemetry.

one advice: technology is your friend.

in my Anatomy class, i used whatever i could to help me with the class. i recorded every lecture, took pictures and videos in lab (point&shoot digital cameras now have a video feature, comes in very handy), and used them every chance i get (listen in the car, watch vids while waiting, etc). that enabled me to reinforce the concepts.

in my Physio class, i scoured through the 'net looking for videos and tutorials. i can't remember any of the websites i used but i found all of them through Google or the supplemental websites for my textbooks.

good luck! :)

erm...thanks for your tips..and what is the supplemental website for your textbook?

Specializes in Telemetry.

the website link came with my textbook. sorry, i can't remember now since it's been years since i last took my A&P. check your textbook and see what it says. most textbooks from major publishers now come with supplemental websites.

good luck!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

see post #44 on this sticky thread for a&p weblinks: - pathophysiology/ a & p/ microbiology/ fluid & electrolyte resources

YouTube! I (accidentally at first) found many videos that helped me, especially before my practicals. :nuke:

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