Published Apr 28, 2015
1 Post
Hi all,
I've been using all nurses quite a lot in the past couple of months and have finally decided to join to see if I could get some advice from those of you that currently live in Houston. Little background on myself...I just graduated in December with a degree in psychology. I'm currently working for a youth sports program at a recreation facility in Wisconsin and am looking towards the next move I'm going to make.
I have always been interested in medicine, I've job shadowed doctors and nurses and I really think I would love to pursue nursing, I'm just not sure what the right route to get there is. I know there are 2nd degree Accelerated BSN programs, but I'm planning on moving to Houston in the fall and I will need to work and I've read its pretty impossible to do both when enrolled in these programs. Are there specific programs in Houston that you feel are better than others? I'm not opposed to going the associates degree route and then take a bridge program later to obtain my BSN. I just would like some guidance on what others in a similar situation have chosen to do.
I should also mention, while I graduated, I do not have the highest grades and I will need to take a couple of pre-requisits for many programs.
Any thoughts, recommendations, opinions, advice is welcome! Thanks ya'll!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
University-based BSN programs in Houston are extremely competitive. There is a commercial (for-profit) alternative, but it is mediocre at best (as demonstrated on NCLEX outcomes).
You will need to establish residency - at least a year - before becoming eligible for in-state tuition. FWIW, moving here just to go to school will NOT count towards establishing residency. If you enroll in school before then, it may interfere with your eligibility, so I'd advise you to chill out and plan on working for a year before getting back into school.
If your plans are more flexible, and you can consider alternative locations, you may want to look at some other Tx programs that aren't very far away, such as the one in San Marcos (Texas State), Huntsville (Sam Houston) or Beaumont (Lamar University).
Best of luck on your educational journey.