Published May 14, 2011
2 Posts
I have just finished all my pre-requisites required for RN programs. (anatomy, physiology, microbiology, math, english). I also have just been accepted into the LVN program at city college of San Francisco. I don't know whether I should go ahead and start the LVN program or wait to see if I get into an RN program. If I did do the LVN program I would eventually want to get my RN. Does this take a long time and are programs competitive? I also currently live in California but plan on moving back to my home state of North Carolina. I want to make sure whatever I do here will also transfer there. Any help/advice would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you.
97 Posts
I found myself in exactly the same position...only I was accepted into BOTH. I decided as hard as it was to do LPN first, then RN. Primary factors...being able to work as an LPN while I finished my RN. Plus if the worst happened and I was dropped from RN I would not have lost everything..after spending 2 years of my life on pre-reqs.Good Luck
Yeah, I think I'm just going to go ahead and do the LVN. I don't want to chance waiting around another 2 years to get into an RN program while I could be done with LVN by then and working. Thanks for the input!
11 Posts
I would encourage you to go ahead with the lvn program. Getting into an lvn to rn program (from my experience and knowledge) is a lot easier than getting into an rn program.
108 Posts
I was wondering the same thing. The pre reqs for the LVN program is not a lot at all. I eventually want to do the RN program as well. But Im wondering if I should go ahead and do the LVN program first or continue on with the RN pre reqs? I cannot pass chem, and I havent started any of the core sciences. What do you ladies suggest?
17 Posts
If you've been accepted to an LPN program, go for it! Use your LPN education as a stepping ground to earn your RN degree. You will start earning earlier and gain experience. It seems like you are unsure if you will even get accepted to the RN program soon, so why sit around and wait hoping that you get accepted? You have already done the prerequisites for the RN program which is the MAIN hold up for LPN's who aim to become RN's. It's hard to go back to school and "take your pre reqs" when you are a working LPN but you have already beat that battle! So, look at going to LPN school as doing the first year of the RN program! And, you'll likely find it easier to get into an LPN to RN program than into a traditional RN program!
116 Posts
I agree with everyone else! I am currently completing my Lpn here in VA. I love it! you can easily transfer to an RN program once you are done. An Lpn friend of mines has already found a 9 month Lpn to Rn program with no waiting list, and graduated this past April, working full-time, making BIG bucks at her facility....There are great possibilities for Lpn's, we may even take over Good luck!