Discover University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a 4 year or higher National University. It is a public and non-profit institution. The institution offers a variety of hybrid, on-campus, and online programs—including MA, BSN, Entry Level BSN, Accelerated BSN, MSN, RN to MSN, DNP, MSN to DNP, PhD, BSN to PhD, MSN to PhD, CNL, NP, and Post Grad Certificate degrees. Programs are accredited by the CCNE and the institution is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill admits 17% of applicants and graduates 91% of its students.
Contact Info
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 103 South Bldg Cb 9100, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, US
- 1-919-966-4260
- Visit School
Quick Overview
- $23,360 Undergraduate Tuition
- $45,130 Graduate Tuition
- Doctoral University: Very High Research Activity
19,921 Undergraduate Enrolled
*Certificate and degree-seeking students - 11,676 Graduate Students Enrolled
- 97.4% NCLEX-RN BS Pass Rate
- 17% Acceptance Rate
- 91% Graduation Rate
Student Demographics
- 20 Average Age
- 40% Men
- 60% Women
- 0% Veterans
- 75% White
- 5% Hispanic
- 18% Black
- 3% Asian
College Data provided by the U.S. Department of Education and complemented with additional insights from our analysts. Learn more about our Rankings Methodology. NCLEX pass rates retrieved from the institution's (State) Board of Nursing.
Nursing Programs
Accelerated BSN
- On-Campus BSN Program
- $17,520 In-State Tuition
- 60 Credits
- 16 Months
- 5.0 Program Score
Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner AGACNP
- Online MSN to Post Grad Certificate Program
- $25,200 In-State Tuition
- 18 Credits
- 24 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 600 Clincal Hours
- 4.7 Program Score
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner AGPCNP
- Hybrid BSN to DNP Program
- $80,550 In-State Tuition
- 75 Credits
- 36 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 1000 Clincal Hours
- 4.9 Program Score
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner AGPCNP
- On-Campus MSN to Post Grad Certificate Program
- $28,000 In-State Tuition
- 20 Credits
- 24 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 600 Clincal Hours
- 4.7 Program Score
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner AGPCNP
- Hybrid BSN to MSN Program
- $44,333 In-State Tuition
- 43 Credits
- 24 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 5.0 Program Score
Clinical Nurse Leader CNL
- Hybrid BSN to MSN Program
- $34,023 In-State Tuition
- 33 Credits
- 16 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 5.0 Program Score
Family Nurse Practitioner FNP
- Hybrid BSN to DNP Program
- $80,550 In-State Tuition
- 75 Credits
- 36 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 1000 Clincal Hours
- 4.9 Program Score
Family Nurse Practitioner FNP
- On-Campus MSN to Post Grad Certificate Program
- $28,000 In-State Tuition
- 20 Credits
- 20 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 540 Clincal Hours
- 4.8 Program Score
Family Nurse Practitioner FNP
- Hybrid BSN to MSN Program
- $44,333 In-State Tuition
- 43 Credits
- 24 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 4.9 Program Score
Nurse Educator
- Hybrid + Online Post Grad Certificate Programs
- $12,600 In-State Tuition
- 9 Credits
- 12 Months
- 4.9 Program Score
Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner PPCNP
- Hybrid BSN to MSN Program
- $44,333 In-State Tuition
- 43 Credits
- 24 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 5.0 Program Score
Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner PPCNP
- Hybrid BSN to DNP Program
- $76,294 In-State Tuition
- 74 Credits
- 36 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 5.0 Program Score
Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner PPCNP
- On-Campus MSN to Post Grad Certificate Program
- $18,558 In-State Tuition
- 18 Credits
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 5.0 Program Score
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP
- Hybrid BSN to DNP Program
- $80,550 In-State Tuition
- 75 Credits
- 36 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 1000 Clincal Hours
- 4.9 Program Score
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP
- On-Campus MSN to Post Grad Certificate Program
- $32,200 In-State Tuition
- 23 Credits
- 20 Months
- 3.00 GPA Required
- 540 Clincal Hours
- 4.8 Program Score
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP
- Hybrid BSN to MSN Program
- $47,426 In-State Tuition
- 46 Credits
- 24 Months
- 2.75 GPA Required
- 4.9 Program Score
- On-Campus BSN Program
- $17,520 In-State Tuition
- 60 Credits
- 2.80 GPA Required
- 4.9 Program Score
Traditional BSN
- On-Campus BSN Program
- $35,040 In-State Tuition
- 120 Credits
- 48 Months
- 4.9 Program Score
*Program Score compares similar specialty programs across our database. Learn more about our Rankings Methodology
Academic Programs
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing - traditional BSN
- Accelerated BSN - for those with non-nursing bachelor's degrees
- Hillman Scholars Nursing Innovation - joint BSN and PhD program
- Master of Science in Nursing - MSN with advanced practice and healthcare systems specialties
- Post-MSN option - in advanced practice specialties
- Doctor of Philosophy - PhD program in nursing science
- Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Undergraduate Program
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides a bachelor of science in nursing program for students who want to become registered nurses. The courses are based upon the knowledge, skill, and understanding necessary to function effectively in all areas of professional nursing.
There are two options for students who want a BSN degree:
Four-year option that includes two years pre-nursing/general courses and then two years in the School of Nursing or for the student who has earned a bachelor's degree plus pre-requisites.
Those who have a previous bachelor's degree in a field other than nursing has an accelerated option available, the ABSN.
Graduate Programs
Currently, two Post-Master's Certificate programs are offered: Health Care Systems and Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.
Programs are only available on campus but offer a hybrid-learning curriculum. The curriculum offers specific knowledge and practice opportunities in the advanced practice nursing specialization(s).
Clinical practice sites are in central North Carolina although some locations may be a 1.5-2 hour drive away.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to sit for the national certification examinations associated with their specialty area of practice.
Master of Science in Nursing
Entry pathways: BSN to MSN and RN to MSN (full-time study with limited availability for part-time study).
The MSN program builds upon the student's baccalaureate nursing education and professional experience. In the end, the graduate will be prepared for a position in leadership.
Program options
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (includes an Oncology option)
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Administration
- Clinical Nurse Leader
- Education
- Informatics
- Outcomes Management
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care
- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Post-Master's Certificate
Currently, the Post-master's track offerings respond to the increased need for health care system specialists and Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners in rural and underserved areas in North Carolina.
Upon program completion, graduates are eligible to sit for the national certification examinations for the specialty chosen. This includes:
- Informatics
- Nursing Leadership
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Entry pathways - BSN to DNP (full-time study only) and MSN to DNP (full- or part-time study)
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program will prepare the nurse for the highest level of professional nursing practice. The focus of the program is to prepare graduates for leadership roles with a focus on administration and health policy.
All BSN to DNP students will take a full-time, 3-year in length program that includes 66 to 75 credit hours depending on the student's designated area of advanced practice preparation. Those hours will include 1000 practice hours, required coursework for advanced practice, leadership, practice-based inquiry, and completion of a DNP Project.
BSN to DNP program options
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner with an Oncology option
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Administration
- Informatics
- Outcomes Management
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Primary Care
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
MSN to DNP Pathway
The MSN to DNP pathway is for nurses who are already master's-prepared Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN). APRNs interested may include:
- Nurse Practitioner (NP)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
- Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)
- Nurse Administrators
- Informaticists
- Outcome Managers
MSN to DNP students who take the full time credit load will be required to complete 37 to 41 credit hours, approximately 500 residency hours, and the completion of an evidence-based practice project (DNP Project).
All DNP students, including MSN to DNP students, are required to complete a minimum of 1,000 post-baccalaureate practice hours.
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
The Doctoral Admissions Committee will only accept and review completed applications that contain all required materials. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the entire application is received by the posted deadline.
There are two enrolling options for PhD students for a full- or part-time study. Full-time usually takes 9 credit hours per semester. Those students who are not supported by the T32 funding and employed by the University may work no more than 50 percent (20 hrs/week) while enrolled in the program. Students who are supported by the T32 funding may only work 10 more hours per week.
Part-time students take three to six credits per semester and may work while in the course.
Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education
This program is a 9-credit hour program that prepares graduate students to teach within the hospital, community or school setting. Registered nurses (RNs) who are enrolled as graduate or postgraduate students at UNC-CH School of Nursing are eligible. The length of program is one calendar year to complete.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is a public institution that was founded in 1789. The School of Nursing at UNC-Chapel Hill has been the role model for "firsts" in North Carolina including:
1950 - First in North Carolina to offer a four-year baccalaureate nursing degree
1955 - First in North Carolina to offer a nursing master's degree
1964 - First in North Carolina to start continuing education for nurses
1970 - First in North Carolina to offer a nurse practitioner program
1989 - First in North Carolina to offer a PhD in nursing
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