Bevill State Community College

Prepare for a fulfilling nursing career at Bevill State Community College with hands-on training and dedicated faculty guiding students towards success in the healthcare field. Discover nursing education opportunities today at a college known for producing highly sought-after nursing professionals.

Discover Bevill State Community College

Jasper, Alabama

School Ranking: B
0 reviews

Bevill State Community College is a public and non-profit Community College. The insitution offers a variety of on-campus programs—including LPN/LVN, and ADN/ASN degrees. Programs are accredited by the ACEN and the institution is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Student Demographics

  • 23 Average Age
  • 36% Men
  • 64% Women
  • 1% Veterans
  • 83% White
  • 1% Hispanic
  • 16% Black
  • 0% Asian

College Data provided by the U.S. Department of Education and complemented with additional insights from our analysts. Learn more about our Rankings Methodology.

Nursing Programs

  • $8,514 In-State Undergraduate Tuition*

*Tuition is an average of the programs listed below.

  • Program
  • On-Campus Program
    $8,514 In-State Tuition
    4.0 Program Score

*Program Score compares similar specialty programs across our database. Learn more about our Rankings Methodology

Bevill State Community College, located in Sumiton, Alabama, is a public institution serving a seven-county region with over 250,000 people. Established in 1992 through the merger of Walker State Technical College and Brewer State Junior College, the college now has four campuses: Fayette, Hamilton, Jasper, and Sumiton, along with the Pickens Center. In 1993, Northwest Alabama Community College's Hamilton Campus joined as a main campus, and in 1998, UAB/Walker College became the fourth campus. Bevill State's nursing programs are renowned for producing highly sought-after nursing professionals.

Nursing Programs at Bevill State Community College 

  • Traditional Nursing Program 
  • Evening Nursing Program 
  • Nursing Mobility: LPN/Paramedic-ADN

Hands-On Learning Environment

Studying through Belvill's nursing programs prepares graduates to offer safe, competent, patient-centered care in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. The institution provides full and equal education to prepare students for community needs. The nursing program skillfully integrates general education and specialized nursing courses. This complete system combines rigorous classroom education with guided clinical experiences in various healthcare settings to give students the practical skills and theoretical information they need for career success.

Mode of Learning 

Bevill State Community University offers a variety of on-campus nursing programs. These include the Traditional Nursing Program, the Evening Nursing Program, and the Nursing Mobility Program. These options are available to individuals who are currently licensed as LPNs or paramedics and are seeking an associate's degree in nursing. The university's comprehensive, in-person education is made possible by the range of programs offered, enabling students to choose one that suits their schedules and professional goals.

NCLEX Pass Rates

The University has seen a significant improvement in its ADN programs NCLEX-RN pass rates over the last three years. The pass rates were 77.19% in 2021, 89.88% in 2022, and an outstanding 96.41% in 2023.

Similarly, the NCLEX-PN pass rates have also been consistently high, with rates of 97.3% in 2021, 98.43% in 2022, and 97.56% in 2023. These results showcase our commitment to academic excellence and the effectiveness of our comprehensive nursing education program.

Admission/Acceptance Rate

Competition for admission is high, and the number of students accepted is limited by the available faculty and clinical facilities. Meeting the minimum admissions criteria does not guarantee acceptance.


The Associate Degree and Practical Nursing Programs at Bevill State Community College's Jasper campus are approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing and accredited by the ACEN.

Edited by Joe V

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