School Nurse for Grad Nurse?


I am currently a pre-nursing student and I know I still have a long way to go. I will be starting my clinical portion within the next year or two. I was just wondering what the job outlook looks like for grad nurses. I know most start out in med/surge in the hospital, but I was also curious about that of a School Nurse? I struggled my first year of college debating between the health field and education with the love of kids and I decided to go with Nursing to better implement both into my life. I have thought of either Pediatrics, NICU, or postpartum delivery and nursery. I have also thought on the lines of School Nurse because I would still be able to work in a school system. I know there is a cut in pay from what I would be making in a hospital, but I was just curious as to how the outlook is for School Nurses? Thank you!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Thread moved to school nursing specialty forum. You need to be able to function independently with minimal oversight Check with your state for minimum requirements. Some require certification as a school nurse, many require TN + BSN plus specific masters level credits for school nursing with option to have credentials to teach health. Other states have less requirements. Generally speaking it is not a recommended job for a new grad.

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