Published Apr 27, 2015
1 Post
I am in my second semester of nursing about to finish up the year and become a LPN. I still have one more year until RN. I am TERRIFIED. I feel like clinically, I am not getting enough experience. For example, the one patient I was assigned to with a trach did not want students working on her. I feel like even though I have a year left, I am going to feel stupid and unprepared when I start an RN job. I read so many horror stories of new grads. I am also worried about getting an LPN job this summer. Do the experienced nurses help a lot? Or is it every woman/man for themselves? Some words of encouragement or what it is like on the other side would be great! What is orientation like and how long is it?
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,381 Posts
When I precept new nurses what I look for is 1. Get to work on time. 2. Do not complain. 3. Work hard and pay attention when I am showing you something. 4. GET TO WORK ON TIME.
I will help someone every time they ask if they pay attention and are good workers. If you can do number 1 and 4...well you are good in my book! Be reliable and people can count on your goes miles...and you will more than likely get support and help from co workers.