Saying a Prayer


Do you guys know any little prayers that you can say when asked to pray with a patient. Iv been in this situation before and dont really know any prayers but its something I dont mind doing the it helps put them at ease.

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
Do you guys know any little prayers that you can say when asked to pray with a patient. Iv been in this situation before and dont really know any prayers but its something I dont mind doing the it helps put them at ease.

I'm an atheist (secular humanist) so I just say, "Whatever your favorite is" then I pretend to pray as they do their thing.

It can be something as simple as this; Father, we come before your throne lifting up ____ and ask father that you would bring healing, comfort and peace to them. We ask Lord that you move in a mighty way and touch______. Lord that you would remove all sickness and infirmity and we ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Hope this helps. God bless.

Specializes in Step-down, cardiac.
Do you guys know any little prayers that you can say when asked to pray with a patient.

I would say something like, "I'm happy to pray with you. Do you have a favorite prayer?" I absolutely would *not* do what @lvnrn2bee said--that kind of prayer is clearly Christian, and you have no idea what type of religion your patietn practices, if any; they may be just a spiritual person who doesn't think of God as a "he" or "father" or anything like that. I found a very non-deominational prayer online for after a death that you might adjust for someone who is sick:



Our lives are a gift, which comes from and returns to you in ways we do not understand.

We have thanks for (name) and for all that his/her life has been.

Receive (name) into your loving care.

We pray for those who have loved (name) that they may find comfort in their loss.

Thank you for all those who have cared for (name) through his/her life and for those here who have tried to save his/her life.

May we depart from this place in peace with the sure knowledge that we have done what we could do and that we can now entrust (name) to your care.



Find out if they are of a particular faith, if they give you the ole go ahead, go with what's in your heart. If they are of a faith that is foreign to you, I would suggest asking them to start and you could just follow along or do your own thing 'silently'. In these situations, my opinion, God respects you for helping that patient whatever their religion.

Gotta agree with 1969 on this. :D

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