Saunders Strategies for Test Success


Specializes in Operating Room.

I was wondering if anyone may have used this book in conjunction with their NCLEX book to study throughout nursing school. I have found a couple reviews on it and wondered what people thought of it who were actually current students.

As if we don't have enough books to read and study already. I just want to know it is worth my while to purchase and if it really improves test taking for nursing exams. I have always been decent at exams, but I know the game is seriously about to change.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, SweetSouthernLove:

I purchased the second edition real cheap from While I'm juggling reading different books (I'm only up to page 55 out of 295 - not including appendix et al in the ending page), I'm finding the information helpful.

Thank you.

I had a regular Saunders guide and the Success series books that I used throughout nursing school and used a little of both to study, especially Med Surg. I also found some Hesi resources and thought they were pretty good.

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