Satellite Healthcare


I saw a job posting for their South San Francisco branch. I'd never heard of this dialysis clinic before. Anyone familiar with it?


tinderbox, what was the outcome?? I just applied there as well.

Oops, I just realized you're a nurse. Sorry I was looking for a PCT trainee position, just not sure if they are accepting those without a CNA....would still like to hear if you got in :)

I saw a job posting for their South San Francisco branch. I'd never heard of this dialysis clinic before. Anyone familiar with it?


If you want to know about it just call the state survey agency - in Calif it is the CDPH - Division of Licensing and Certification. You can obtain a copy of their latest survey. This way you can get an idean of the problems in the facility.

Awesome ! Thanks for sharing that information !

You can also ask if they can provide a copy of the 'plan of correction'. sometimes when you request the F2567 (survey) the POC (Plan of Correction) is included other times not. The state also can give you specifics on training of new technicians as this comes under the CDPH also. I will try and find out more info on this facility, if I can as I have access to some of the Calif surveys -- not sure this is one of them... There were a few in that area but do not recall one being from Satellite.

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