Santa Fe College ASN Class of 2014!!

U.S.A. Florida


Hello to all my future classmates and a gigantic CONGRATS on getting accepted to one of the best nursing schools in Florida! I look forward to meeting all of you in the Fall. I wanted to start this thread to help us all get everything in order. There is so much that has to be done!

I saw they registered me for Nursing Process 1 on my eSantaFe. They haven't determined the cost yet, which is a bit scary. Has everyone scheduled their fingerprint appointment? The lady at the front desk said spots are going fast. Also when and where are you getting your cpr done? I know it has to be Red Cross certified, but does anyone know where you can get it done for less than Santa Fe's $55?

I enjoyed having this site to keep my mind off the "waiting for letter" process. I hope it will also prove useful in waiting for classes to start. I'm so excited, I'm anxious. Once again congrats and I look forward to meeting all of you!

Iclicker allows you to answer questions in the lecture hall; it is not for testing, just practice questions. They can find out if you don't have it and will hound you until you get one. I bought my iclicker used and still haven't had to change the batteries.

SimChart is an access code to a program that allows you to chart medical information during clinicals. They talked about also using it for the research papers. That's probably one of the changes made to your class. They'll say "to be successful in clinicals you will need SimChart," by that they mean "to pass." There's no cheaper option for this acess code.

Both of these things are annoying and they are crazy serious about you having them.

@gatormommy Thanks for all the input it's been very helpful. School start in exactly a month and I have mixed feelings. A part of me is super excited and the other part is terrified. I've heard so many different reactions from people who have previously been in the program. I just don't know what to expect!

Hello everyone! I can't believe I just found this site. I am so excited and anxious to start the program in the fall. I saw someone said something about a facebook group, we should do that so that we can stay connected easily during the course. Please let me know if it has been started, if not I dont mind making it. We can post our email addresses and find people that way (easier than names). Thanks so much gatormommy! Please any insite is much appreciated :)

I looked, but I don't think anyone has started a Facebook page yet. I think that would be a great way for all of us to stay connected and have a little support system when the semester gets tough!

Thank you, gatormommy, for all of your insight!! It has been very helpful!!! I am so nervous to start but excited to be a step closer to becoming a nurse!!!

Can't wait to meet everyone!!!

I made a fb group!

Name: Santa Fe ASN c/o 2014

I made it open so I think you can just join...

Great!!! Sadly, I don't know anyone going into the program but hopefully everyone on here can join!!! Thanks for doing that!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Just a Terms of Service reminder:

You can post the name of Facebook pages but not the link.

I can't find the fb group.


What is your email? I can send it to you :)

Sorry everyone, the page deleted the link for the group, it said "Just a Terms of Service reminder:

You can post the name of Facebook pages but not the link"

The name of the group is Santa Fe ASN c/o 2014

If you can't find it, I guess post on here and we will find you lol

I can't find the fb group... my email is [email protected]

thank you!! =)

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