Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP 2010 - Sacramento Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Anyone out there applying for this program? Looking for some friends to share the stress of the waiting game with!

Hi 2bgr8nurse, no I was not on vacation.. so I not sure why I am getting an interview a month later either, I applied to the spring 2010 session in sac. my interview is on sep 8th...

Nursingmomma if you didn't get a group interview I think thats even better! I know I walked away from my group interview very discouraged cause I didn't think they got a chance to know me enough. if your 25 minute interview is going to be 1 on 1 it'll give you a better chance to talk about yourself!

Oh Erik, are you going to accept the early admission from Liza?

I'm definitely leaning that way. I know you were looking at Oakland....what are your thoughts now?

Hey Erik- where else have you applied? Just curious

When do you have to let Liza know by?

I'm leaning more towards Oakland...but still unsure whether to give up a sure thing and risk getting rejected. Are you from the Sacramento Area Erik?


I haven't applied anywhere else yet. I was hoping to go to Sac State for my BSN, but that plan evaporated because of the budget fiasco. I'm still weighing the ABSN program as an alternative. Pluses are you get done (with your RN) faster and you get a degree along with your RN license (unlike in the ELMS program). I could then work for awhile as an RN and then opt later to do my FNP via Samuel Merritt or UCD or maybe even UCSF. We'll see. Not sure what Liza's deadline is yet because I have not yet received the acceptance package in the mail. She told me the date is 2 wks after I get the package.


The wife and I live crazy close to the Sac campus--20 min walk from our house!


I think that if you also applied to the ABSN program and got into the ELMSN program, that you'd get into the ABSN program as well. I would think that they will let you know once they send you your packet that you got into both, but that's just my thinking.

I agree with you on getting the RN, working a couple of years and then going back. That is what I'm hoping to do. I applied to both programs as well, but I'd rather do the ABSN program first and then go back.

You are so lucky to already know you got in. Either way you go it's a great school.

Erik... im in the same boat.. I did not apply anywhere else since I have only taken the net.. just curious.. did you tell the panel you only applied to their school.. im not sure what they ask in the interview but I thought it might come up as to what other schools i have looked at and did not know if it was smart to say I only applied there.. any thoughts

Wow so close to home Erik! This is like the perfect campus for you! Well since you're from the area...which part of sac do you reccomend living in if I were to accept the Sac ELMSN? Would it be a better idea to live in Davis and commute instead (since they have more cafes/a 24 hour library)?

Well, Will, Davis rocks when it comes to the college-age crowd. So, I forget how old you are, but if that's what you're into then I recommend it (bars, restaurants, etc). Drawbacks are (in addition to the commute) that it's more $ and the housing is not as plentiful. If you're on a budget, I would recommend somewhere in mid-town Sac. It's definitely more diverse than Davis and cheaper. We're going to have lots of fun up here, so I hope you choose the Sac campus!

Erik... im in the same boat.. I did not apply anywhere else since I have only taken the net.. just curious.. did you tell the panel you only applied to their school.. im not sure what they ask in the interview but I thought it might come up as to what other schools i have looked at and did not know if it was smart to say I only applied there.. any thoughts

I didn't detect any interest in whether you'd applied to other schools. I don't know if the 1-on-1 version you get will be any different, but I can't imagine it would be. If anything, I think there would be greater respect for the person who is considering other schools.

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