Samuel Merritt ELMSN CM Fall 2015

U.S.A. California


I figured, we should have a thread to the Case Management program.

Update: Received email from Admissions that my application is complete and is being considered for the interview phase on January 17, 2015 @ 11:17 PM

Let's huddle and play sit "idly" until the next email (interview email) are sent.

Last thing, does anyone know when the decisions will be released?

Someone mentioned decisions will be made during the first week of March.

Hi guys! I applied for the Oakland Fall 2015 cohort as well. I wish I had known of this forum sooner- it could've been helpful! I have my interview tomorrow morning and I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. I have no idea what to expect. Any ideas or helpful hints?

How was your interview? I have it this upcoming week. Would've chosen this Wednesday, but my schedule couldn't make it work =/ I wonder how many applicants and how many interviewees they had for Fall 2015..

Hi guys! Good luck Bffvr5, heatitup000 and AilaRei! I'm sure you will do great. Yes, there is a writing sample at the end of the interview, but it's nothing complicated. Be ready for a one on one interview. Majority of my interview went great, as I felt I connected with the person. I did get grilled pretty hard at the end of it though about my grades (bad ones), and why I got them and how I learned from my mistakes - so be ready with answers if any of you are in this situation. It was pretty laid back and nice. Just be yourself and relax! Like someone mentioned earlier, show them your enthusiasm and love for nursing!

I just got the email that I got in! I wasn't expecting to hear back until March, so still kinda in shock! Super excited about this new journey. Good luck all of you!! Hope to hear good news from you guys as well!!

I just got the email that I got in! I wasn't expecting to hear back until March, so still kinda in shock! Super excited about this new journey. Good luck all of you!! Hope to hear good news from you guys as well!!

I just received an email at 8 this morning saying I was also accepted! Goodluck everyone! I look forward to meeting you mnm823!

Congrats mnm823 and rcien!! Your journey begins today!

Hey All!

Got my acceptance email to elmsn CM shortly after 8am today!

Hey All!

Got my acceptance email to elmsn CM shortly after 8am today!

Congrats!!!! Time to celebrate!

Congrats AilaRei!! Today is a good day for both of us :)

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting a comment. I've been monitoring this forum for quite some time. I'm hoping to connect with others who have been accepted to the CM program.

Omg! Congrats AilaRei and Bffvr5! Can't wait to meet you! Have you gotten started on the financial aid stuff?

I tried calling the financial aid office about it but I was told the cohort has not been organized yet and would have to wait to set up an appointment. Let me know if you hear differently.

Congrats to everyone! Can't wait to go through long sleepless nights with you all. HAHAHA :p

Hey guys! Have yall received the prelim award letter from the financial aid office? I called and they said that they're in the process of of switching to paperless, so it may be anywhere from end of April to June before we actually get our package.

Are any of you getting private loans?

Also, are you guys staying close to campus? I live in Santa Clara and my commute is going to be crazy. I hope we don't have classes M-F, 8-5!��

I'm trying to create a fb page for our class. Search for SMU ELMSN-CM Fall 2015

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