Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone! Anyone admitted to Samuel Merritt-Spring 2018 ! I started this "space" for us to just share experiences or ask any questions we may have!

I think they're just over there messing with our emotions! I have a feeling decisions are going to get pushed back or postponed.

I'm glad no one else has heard from them either! I've been so worried. I did get the survey email as, my heart sure dropped when I saw that as well.

So stressful, but the later it gets the less confident I feel about decisions going out today... Itss just weird because they literally said decisions are going out yesterday and today

I doubt they're going out today either, we're just going to keep waiting and waiting! :(

I don't understand why they would say they are going out, if they're not. I'll give it until 6pm or so, and then officially give up on hearing anything. Hang in there everyone!

Ugh well we are all in the same stressful boat of waiting! Goodluck to all of us! Hope we all get in and hope to meet you all soon:)

I think your right... I hate that they sent me that survey this morning.. I got all excited for absolutely nothing

that survey email made my heart drop lol. Good luck to everyone, hope we are all accepted and notified soon!

Just goto an email from them, they said decision is delayed. Will hear from them by the end of the week. Good luck everyone as we wait.

So I just received an email that the decisions have been delayed... we will hear by the end of the week.... omgggggggg , somebody called that one for sure

I received an email from them yesterday ( 10/17 /17) around 3 pm saying that the admission decisions have been delayed. They are still reviewing applications and will send out decisions before the end of this week. "

Thus, we will have few more days of waiting ..

i'm not sure if we all received the survey, but they chose me for an interview. I hope we hear something about whether we have been accepted or not soon. Good luck to everyone! I hope to be in a classroom with all of you soon :)

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