Salary vs. Hourly?


I've been given the difficult position of defending salary vs. hourly in a debate! I need more positive information on salary. Can anyone help give me any ammunition on the salary side vs. the other side's hourly?

Hourly Hourly Hourly, I don't care what color my collar is. If I work more than I have to, I want to be compensated for my my work, unless I volunteer to volunteer my time (like in a crisis). But I'm biased, because working for the State I can get Comp time or OT Cash. So... if I run out of sick/vacation/administrative leave days I can always work a day of OT and get a day and half on the books that I can take off at a latter time. I mean... if you want to get technical I kinda am on a salary but how many hours I actually work is based on a percentage of what I would usually get if I worked 40 hours (I think my logic may have been wrong in that sentence, but you get my drift. If I work 20 hours I get 50% listed on my paycheck. No where on my check does it say how much I make an hour... and I'm not really sure to be honest. I only know when I get a raise when I see a couple extra bucks in there for no reason at 100 percent)... it's weird and I have never seen it done before my current job, but it works out the same as if it was hourly.

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