Sad day


Specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab.

I was looking in the obituaries for a former patient who I heard had died recently. While looking for her obituary, I found five others for patients I've taken care of in the past few weeks. Some of them had gone home on hospice and we had expected the death. But some were totally unexpected :( Just made me really sad because I had gotten to know these people and their families and I can only imagine how devastated the must feel. I work in a rehab hospital/LTAC so when patients start to deteriorate, we often send them out for evaluation, and then they slide off our radar until something reminds us of them or we see their name in the paper.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma. condolences...


My grandfather died today as well, and today is my birthday.

I wonder if the nurses who did everything they could will be doing the same thing as you are :yes:

Does your facility do a memorial for those patients??? When I worked Rehab/Sub Acute moons ago, we did that. Is there a way for you to do that?

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