Published Nov 27, 2016
1 Post
I am an Rpn in Ontario with about 5 years experience in a hospital. I am looking to do some more schooling to maybe open up some opportunities...Easy answer would be to do do the RN program but I cannot attend full time school and the only reasonable online program is through Nippising which has to be partnered with my employer, which they are not. I was thinking of doing the diabetic educator progeam through Michener Institute but am I still limited to opportunities because I am an Rpn vs rn? Another idea would be to do undergrad in Gerontology but again, would I be limited without my RN?
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
There are a few part time RPN to BScN bridge programs available, check on McMaster, Ryerson and UOIT websites. Also, in regards to Nipissing and your employer not currently being a partner with Nipissing, have you asked your employer if they are interested in developing a partnership with Nipissing? If so, they can email the school for more information and a partnership can be arranged.
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
What area are you interested in working in that you can't as an RPN?