Published Apr 23, 2005
harley davidson67566
10 Posts
I am a truck driver who wants to stop trucking.I want to go back to nursing and finish my degree.I feel that my felony fifteen yrs ago will stop me from getting my license.Does anyone have any expierence or knows anthing about it?I would appreciate it very much for your input and advice. :)
559 Posts
Best bet would be to call the board of nursing in your state or where you plan to practice and ask an advisor if it would stop you from gaining your license. I was told in school that you could not apply for a license with a felony. There may be a time factor in your case. I don't know. Please call the board, they can help answer your question.
245 Posts
I agree check with the boad of nursing. It might depend on what type of felany. when you apply for your liscence or renew your liscence in my state there is a place to write whether or not you have been convicted of a felony maybe even arrested for anything I can't remember but it does give a place to explain the circumstances. So I don't belive it is a cut and dry position. Call be honest and ask would be my advice. GOOD LUCK
88 Posts
I have been stuck at home for almost 2 years now and have spent alot of time researching lots of different things on the internet, I have especially learned alot more about my nurse practice act than I ever took the time to know before. (I know, bad girl) A slip and fall, and back injury has kept me home, just had fusion surgery, hoping to get back to work within a year. I think, don't quote me on this but I think in PA it is either 5 or 10 years post felony that you can apply for licensure. Go to board web sites and do the reading for whatever state you are interested in. Best of luck!