RN's giving report to CNA's?

Nurses General Nursing


At my old job I was used to giving a quick report at the beginning of my shift to the CNA's on the floor(med/surg) about my PTs.

This would include: reason for admit, mental status, bed alarms, how they get OOB, bedrest orders, incont, foleys, drains, urine/stool samples that needed collecting, etc.

My new hospital there is NO report what so ever. The aids don't even give report to each other! They just wing it. I discussed this with the CNA's and they are frustrated with it too but say the nurses don't have time to give them report.

I think this is totally unsafe and was just wondering how other hospitals deal with this.

Thanks for your feedback!

I always get report from the off-going nurse let my aids get it from the off-going aids, then my aids and I get together and do a report together bc somehow we all miss something important that didn't get pass to the next shift.

No matter what I do the last bed check with my aid and discuss anything that has changed and pass it along to the oncoming shift. I HATE not knowing what is happening.

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