RN 30 unit option

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students

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I am currently an LVN in California and have been planning to go back to get my RN. I have been curious about the RN 30 unit option. I understand that you would only be able to use your license in California and it would be on your license online but from what I understand is you can still get your AA or bachelors. So why is it so bad? Also I am curious if anyone has taken this course towards their RN and if they had regretted it or if they are working already with the 30 unit.

Specializes in LVN.

Thank you, this great information


Hope all is well @nursedt. I have some questions if you don't mind me asking.  I went to a really horrible school to obtain my RN completed the whole program including clinicals but they won't provide me with my degree due to not passing their exit exam.  I challenged LVN board and passed.  I would like to challenge RN 30 unit option now that I have my license.  Is this possible because at this point it's my only option to receive my RN license.  Thank you in advance 

Specializes in ER, ICU, transplant, management.

Hey!  You would still need to attend a year program to be able to sit for the NCLEX-RN.  You might as well do an ADN program.  I did the 30 unit option "back in the day" and now have progressed to BSN, MSN, FNP, DNP.  

I attended on and completed it but just didn't get my diploma. 


Specializes in ER, ICU, transplant, management.

Yeah, but there are programs that will let you do their RN-BSN out there, even without a diploma.  That's why they are RN **** to BSN LOL 

nursedt said:

I am a 30 unit RN, I have licenses in FL, AL, OR, AZ, CA, WA, IL and NY.  I have never had issues transferring my license.  My specialties are mainly ER and ICU (PICU/NICU).  Once you pass your NCLEX, you will have an RN license like any other RN.  I am currently the clinical nurse manager and educator of a PICU and NICU in Seattle, WA.  Don´t let these misleading posts put you against the 30 unit option if you are an LVN/LPN seeking RN licensure.  


             I'm Saida can you please tell me how you did it. I'm an LVN for 10 years I'm 

             also, a busy mom. I want to get my RN but private college are very expensive

             I appreciate if you can help me. 

nursedt said:

I am a 30 unit RN, I have licenses in FL, AL, OR, AZ, CA, WA, IL and NY.  I have never had issues transferring my license.  My specialties are mainly ER and ICU (PICU/NICU).  Once you pass your NCLEX, you will have an RN license like any other RN.  I am currently the clinical nurse manager and educator of a PICU and NICU in Seattle, WA.  Don´t let these misleading posts put you against the 30 unit option if you are an LVN/LPN seeking RN licensure.  

your giving me hope im apply in Georgia but they're giving me a hard time. I currently have a licenec in NY

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